Monday, July 23, 2007


What's up all you DIRC people? This is a quick start for the official(?) DIRC website. I'll probably do more pages that will be a bit flashier(?) and then link to this blog site. If anyone has any ideas on what should be on the website please post them on here. I believe you have to register for a account to be able to post things on here. It's free to sign up and pretty simple so do it do it do it.

If you're against signing up for things on the Internet you can email me any suggestions and comments and such at:

Also if you have any pictures / video / audio / etc. from any of the DIRC's please put them up on here or email them to me. If they are too big to email, email me and let me know and I can probably figure out a way for you to get them to me for some webization action.

I had a blast this year as always. Also if anyone is in the market for some Firestorm insurance I'm your guy.

- Evan

1 comment:

Ashlee said...
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